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The Student Journey to Transform Lives Through TCU's Groundbreaking OTD Program
TCU’s new Doctor of Occupational Therapy program is poised to make a significant impact on the healthcare landscape by addressing critical gaps in access and specialized care. Student, Sage Gideon, shares what excites her about being in the inaugural cohort.
TCU Announces Nurse Camp Sessions for Aspiring High School Students
Harris College’s TCU Nursing summer camp returns, offering two sessions. This camp is open to high school juniors and seniors who are interested in learning what a career in nursing is really like.
Unstructured Play and Its Impact on Child Development: Exploring Limb Imbalances, Injury Prevention, and Resilience in Elementary School Children
Kinesiology Master’s student, Lauren Wagner, evaluates the LiiNK Project’s impact on physical imbalances in elementary schools. Researching play’s impact on childhood development sheds light on the emotional and physical benefits of unstructured play in school curricula.